Bonjour from France!

Bonjour everyone!

After my very hectic international traveling experience due to my flight being diverted on my way to Montreal and being held at the Buffalo airport in New York, the rest of my flights were cut very close for time. Yes, I was that frantic American girl who was running as fast as possible to get through customs and get to my gate not even having 40 minuets from landing to next flight taking off. But I made it to France after a very long 22 hours of traveling!

I am staying on Montpellier with a wonderful lady named Melony, who works at Duo she is young and has been a lot of fun to be staying with and a huge help because she understands and speaks very good English. If you haven’t heard of Montpellier before, you should look it up because it is a very cool place right next to the Mediterranean Sea.

So far my first day at Duo consisted of walking through the facilities and being introduced to everyone. I have been working with their software and learning about the European ways for design and the different standards that they have then American.

I wanted to write a brief review of my first 72 hours in France so far but I’m back to work!

Salut, friends & family!

One comment

  1. Carol Allen · June 7, 2014

    Bonjour mon belle fille. I am so glad you are doing well and that you are with Melody. I miss you a lot. Let me know how the technology is different and rules change for each country possibly. Montpellier is beautiful. Looking forward to more digest entries.

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